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Cape May Court House- Save the Date! Cape May County 4-H is excited to announce that the Spring 2023 4-H Paper Clover Campaign at Tractor Supply (TSC) is set for April 26 through May 5, 2023.
The Spring 2023 4-H Paper Clover Campaign gives shoppers at any of the Tractor Supply Company stores located in New Jersey, including the one located at 3810 Route 9 South in Rio Grande, NJ, the opportunity to support the New Jersey 4-H Program by purchasing paper clovers for $1 or more at checkout while in a store or online at the TSC website
This event marks the 13th year of collaboration between National 4-H Council and TSC on the national in-store and online fundraiser, benefiting 4‑H programming in New Jersey. “The funds raised from the Tractor Supply 4-H Paper Clover Campaign provide scholarships for Cape MayCounty 4-H members to participate in valuable national 4-H leadership experiences and state camping programs,” says Linda Horner, 4-H Program Coordinator. The number of scholarships available following the Spring 2023 event will be determined based on the total amount raised. “The last two campaigns have been the most successful yet for Cape May County, and we hope this one will be even better,” added Horner.
Since 2010, Tractor Supply has partnered with 4‑H nationally to help create Opportunity4All and raise more than $14 million through the Paper Clover campaign. The success of these campaigns has impacted over 81,500 youth by providing them with the tools and resources they need to move forward and reach their full potential. 100 percent of funds raised through the bi-annual Paper Clover campaign directly benefits 4‑H youth.
For more information about the Cape May County 4-H Youth Development Program, please call 609-465-5115, ext. 3605, visit our website and like us on Facebook at Cape May 4-H or Instagram at cape_may_4h.
The 4‑H Youth Development Program is part of Rutgers, New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station – Cooperative Extension. 4‑H offers educational programs to all youth, grades K–13, on an age-appropriate basis, without regard to race, religion, color, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, or disability.
Visit your local Tractor Supply at 3810 Route 9 South, Rio Grande, NJ from April 26 through May 5th and purchase a paper clover to help Cape May County 4-H members participate in 4-H leadership and camp programs.