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Cape May Court House – Each year in April, Cape May County 4-H holds a Community Service Day in celebration of National Volunteer Month. This year, Cape May County 4-H members, their families, and friends volunteered for two community service projects on April 15 at Crest Haven Nursing Home and Rehabilitation Center and at the Naval Air Station Wildwood Aviation Museum at the Cape May County Airport.
The first group of volunteers participated in a clean-up at the 4-H butterfly garden at Crest Haven. Nursing home staff, friends and 4-Hers weeded, transplanted, and mulched to prep the garden for a season of delight for pollinators and nursing home residents alike. The second group of volunteers spruced up exhibits and cleaned the parking lot at the Naval Air Station Wildwood Aviation Museum.
Part of being a 4-H member is doing community service every year. Linda Horner, 4-H Program Coordinator, said, “The 4-H mantra is I pledge my head to clearer thinking, my heart to greater loyalty, my hands to larger service, and my health to better living, for my club, my community, my country, and my world.Volunteering is one way for our members to give back to the community that has always been very supportive of our 4-H Youth Development Program.” 4-Hers helped the community and had fun with their fellow 4-Hers at the same time!
Volunteers at Crest Haven Nursing Home and Rehabilitation Center included 4-Hers Sylia Snyder and Ella Liriano, 4-H adult volunteers Gayle Crookston and Kate Mihal, Nursing Home Activities Director Gail Beaver and volunteers Robin Liriano, Jeannine and Eva Parvin and John King.

Volunteers at Naval Air Station Wildwood Aviation Museum included4-H Club Leaders Lou and Melissa McAtee, 4-Hers Mia Hackerman, Rainbow McAtee and Arabella AitHaddad.

For more information about the 4-H Youth Development Program, please email, call 609-465-5115, ext. 3605, or visit our website
The 4-H Youth Development Program is part of Rutgers, New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station-Cooperative Extension. 4-H offers educational programs to all youth, grades K-13 (one year out of high school), on an age-appropriate basis, without regard to race, religion, color, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, or disability.