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Cape May Court House – The Cape May County 4-H Program Advisory Council awarded 2023 Mission Mini Grants for educational projects to four 4-H clubs at the Rutgers Cooperative Extension Office on April 19, 2023.
The Gaming Innovation Lab 4-H Club received $500 to use toward a cloud subscription to host club game servers. Scales and Tails 4-H Club will take an educational field trip to the Insectropolis with the $300 grant they received. The Canvas & Brush 4-H Club received $250 to use for a tote bag painting project and the Kitchen Phanatics 4-H Club received $200 toward the purchase of cooking equipment for their club.
Linda Horner, Cape May County 4-H Program Coordinator, said, “The Mission Mini Grant Program is critical to the hands-on educational experiences that sets 4-H apart. Since 2013, our 4-H Program Advisory Council has distributed an incredible $15,000 to Cape May County 4-H clubs!”
The Program Advisory Council’s sole fundraiser for these important club grants and other 4-H educational needs is the 4-H Refreshment Booth at the annual Cape May County 4-H Fair. Fair goers are encouraged to support the group’s efforts by purchasing delicious and affordable hamburgers, chicken strips, fries and more. This year’s 4-H Fair, celebrating the Red, White, & Blue, will take place on July 20, 21, and 22nd at the 4-H fairgrounds, 355 Courthouse-So. Dennis Road, CMCH, NJ.
To learn more about the 4-H Youth Development Program in Cape May County and our upcoming 4-H Fair, call 609-465-5115, ext. 3605, like us on Facebook at Cape May 4-H, Instagram at cape_may_4h or visit

The 4-H Program Advisory Council awarded four educational grants, called Mission Mini Grants, to Cape May County 4-H clubs in April 2023. Pictured: Rainbow and Lou McAtee of the Kitchen Phanatics 4-H club, Stephanie Hoover, leader, Scales & Tails 4-H Club and Eric Neeld & Kim Germanio, leaders of the Gaming Innovation Lab 4-H club. (Dana Barry, leader, Canvas & Brush 4-H Club not pictured).