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Cape May Court House-The Cape May County 4-H Youth Development Program congratulates the winners of the 2023 4-H Equestrian of the Year Contest. Isabella Frame was selected as the 4-H Junior Equestrian of the Year and Nathaniel McCrone was named Junior Equestrian 1st Runner Up.
Isabella Frame, an 8th grade student at Bishop McHugh Regional Catholic School, has been in 4-H for three years and is the secretary of the Star Hollow Riders 4-H Club. She has participated in a variety of 4-H activities, horse shows, competitions, and camps. Isabella has earned several awards and this year earned a perfect score of 100 for her public presentation. She said, “4-H has shaped me into a better person and helped me be an active member of my community. It has been an important part of my life and I look forward to spreading the message of 4-H to others.”
Nathaniel McCrone, a 9th grade student at Middle Township High School, is also a three-year veteran of the 4-H youth development program. He is the vice president of the Whinny Pigs 4-H Club. Nathaniel’s achievements include being named Grand Champion in Walk/Trot division at the 2022 4-H Fair. He said, “Representing 4-H is a way for me to give back to a program that has given me so much more than just a hobby, it has made me into the person I am today.”
Special thanks to contest judges Jeanne and Tony DeVico who evaluated contestants on a written resume and 4-H story, a personal interview, and a stage presentation. “Both Isabella and Nathaniel impressed our judges with their leadership skills, their enthusiasm for 4-H and their passion for horses,” said Linda Horner, 4-H Program Coordinator.
Come see Isabella and Nathaniel at the 2023 4-H Fair and Chicken Bar-B-Que on July 20, 21, and 22nd on the 4-H Fairgrounds, 355 Court House-South Dennis Road, CMCH, NJ 08210.
To learn more about the 4-H Youth Development Program in Cape May County, call (609) 465-5115, ext. 3605, like us on Facebook at Cape May 4-H, Instagram at cape_may_4h or visit
The 4-H Youth Development Program is part of Rutgers Cooperative Extension. 4-H educational programs are offered to all youth, grades K-13, on an age-appropriate basis, without regard to race, religion, color, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, or disability.

Isabella Frame was selected as the 4-H Junior Equestrian of the Year and Nathaniel McCrone was named Junior Equestrian 1st Runner Up