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Cape May Court House- Save the Date! Cape May County 4-H is excited to announce that the Fall 2023 4-H Paper Clover Campaign at Tractor Supply (TSC) is set for October 4 through 15.
The Fall 2023 4-H Paper Clover Campaign gives shoppers at any of the 20 Tractor Supply Company stores located in New Jersey, including the one located at 3810 Route 9 South in Rio Grande, NJ, the opportunity to support the New Jersey 4-H Program by purchasing paper clovers for $1 or more at checkout while in a store or online at the TSC website
This event marks the 12th year of collaboration between National 4-H Council and TSC on the national in-store and online fundraiser, benefiting 4‑H programming in New Jersey. “The funds raised from the Tractor Supply 4-H Paper Clover Campaign provide scholarships for Cape MayCounty 4-H members to participate in valuable national 4-H leadership experiences and state camping programs,” says Linda Horner, 4-H Program Coordinator. The number of scholarships available following the Fall 2023 event will be determined based on the total amount raised.
For more information about the Cape May County 4-H Youth Development Program, please call 609-465-5115, ext. 3605, visit our website and like us on Facebook at Cape May 4-H or Instagram at cape_may_4h.
The 4‑H Youth Development Program is part of Rutgers, New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station – Cooperative Extension. 4‑H offers educational programs to all youth, grades K–13, on an age-appropriate basis, without regard to race, religion, color, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, or disability.
Visit your local Tractor Supply at 3810 Route 9 South, Rio Grande, NJ from Oct 4 to 15 and purchase a paper clover to help Cape May County 4-H members participate in 4-H leadership and camp programs.