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Cape May Court House – Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Cape May County Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources is offering the 2024 workshop series, “Start Your Gardens: Everything you need to know about starting a vegetable garden: from planning & planting to harvesting.” This series consists of 5 classes that are open to all skill levels.
Registration is now open for the third class in the series, “Plant Care,” taking place virtually on Wednesday, April 17th from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. Now that their seedlings are out in the garden, participants will learn about watering, fertilizing, general plant care as well as common pests and diseases that may affect their gardens. The cost for this virtual session is $5. To register, go to:
The main series instructor is Jen Sawyer Caraballo, Program Associate in Commercial Ag, Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Cape May County. “Over the past 4 years we have seen a definite increase in the number of people reaching out to our office about growing vegetables at home. What better way to help budding gardeners than with a series that helps them get set up for a successful growing season,” said Sawyer Caraballo.
Upcoming sessions include:
May 22, 2024, 6:00-7:00 p.m. Class 4 with Jen & Belinda Chester, Program Assoc. Atlantic County RCE, “Harvesting: Use & Storage” is a virtual class. Ever wonder when that tomato is ripe enough to pick or if the cucumber is big enough or what to do with all those zucchinis? This class will discuss when to harvest various common garden vegetables, as well as ways to use them and storing methods. The cost for this class is $5.
June 12, 2024, 6:00-7:300 p.m. Class 5: “Extending the Season” is in person at RCE. Now is a good time to start preparing for fall crops and crops that can be overwintered. In this class participants will learn how to use row covers & hoop houses, planting cold hardy crops that can be harvested late into fall as well as plants that will overwinter for a spring harvest. The cost for this class is $5.
For more information, please contact Jen Sawyer Caraballo, Rutgers ANR Program Associate at 609-465-5115, ext. 3615 or
Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Cape May County educational programs are offered to all without regard to race, religion, color, age, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, or disability.