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Congratulations to the 2024 4-H Equestrians of the Year. Nathaniel McCrone is Senior 4-H Equestrian of the Year and Isabella Frame is the 4-H Junior Equestrian of the Year.
Nathaniel McCrone, a 10th grade student at Middle Township High School, is also a four-year veteran of the 4-H youth development program. He is the president of the Woodland Riders and vice president of the Whinny Pigs 4-H Clubs. Nathaniel’s achievements include being named Grand Champion in Walk/Trot division at both the 2022 and 2023 4-H Fairs. He was recipient of the County Public Speaking Medal and runner up Junior Equestrian of the Year in 2023. Nathaniel said, “Representing 4-H as Equestrian of the Year is a way that I can give back to a program that has given me so much more than a hobby, it has made me into the person I am.”
Isabella Frame, a 9th grade student from Middle Township, has been in 4-H for five years and is the president of the Star Hollow Riders 4-H Club. She has participated in a variety of 4-H activities, horse shows, competitions, and camps. Isabella has earned several awards and was named the 2023 Junior Equestrian of the Year and Junior Outstanding 4-H Member. She said, “4-H has been and always will be a memorable part of my life. It has allowed me to view the world differently and has inspired me to work even harder to achieve my goals.”
“Both Isabella and Nathaniel impressed our judges with their leadership skills, their enthusiasm for 4-H and their passion for horses,” said Linda Horner, 4-H Program Coordinator.
Both Nathaniel and Isabella will compete in the New Jersey Equestrian of the Year competition in August 2024.
Come see Isabella and Nathaniel at the 2024 4-H Fair and Chicken Bar-B-Que on July 18, 19, and 20th on the 4-H Fairgrounds, 355 Court House-South Dennis Road, CMCH, NJ 08210.
To learn more about the 4-H Youth Development Program in Cape May County, call (609) 465-5115, ext. 3605, like us on Facebook at Cape May 4-H, Instagram at cape_may_4h or visit
The 4-H Youth Development Program is part of Rutgers Cooperative Extension. 4-H educational programs are offered to all youth, grades K-13, on an age-appropriate basis, without regard to race, religion, color, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, or disability.